Dec 31, 2010 Dump and decrypt PSP firmwares - PSARDumper 6.35 is now out

Ah, now PSARDumper 6.35 is available. This new version was just released by coyotebean (via Those who are clueless about this tool, PSARDumper will help you to dump and decrypt PSP firmwares ( .pbp file). This updated now supports firmware 6.35.


Installation guide

1) Extract newpsardump.rar.

2)Just copy PSP folder and paste it right into your root of memory stick>>.......

Merge all the folders.

If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

On your PSP XMB>> Games>> Memory Stick>>  New PSAR Dumper

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6.20 TN-B is now available for download!! - Total_Noob

OMG!! This is really fast! Total_Noob has just released new 6.20 TN-B and this update is now available for download. So let’s see what 6.20 TN-B has in store for us, shall we?

This new release is more stable than previous HEN, more plug-ins and homebrews applications are compatible with and fixed some bugs regarding homebrew launcher. The 4G mobo should works fine too. TN-B also features a few of new vsh options which are Fake Index.Dat and Restart vsh.

We've got one more unbelievable feature to hold you over, though! I was informed that 6.20 TN-B is able to downgrade firmware 6.20 to 5.03. Ahh..I guess you must be doubt about this feature. Yeah, I knew..There is a huge risk of brick on newer PSP models. But some people dare to test this on their 3k and can you guess what happen next? Some of them have done the process successfully, some of them failed. I think, we need some more time to confirm it. Btw, thank you so much Total_Noob. We love your work!

6.20 TN-B Features:
  • Fixed homebrew execution crash on some PSPs (thanks to HacKmaN for debugging)
  • Added 4g model support (this will fix issues for most psp3000 users)
  • Resolved some important NIDs (this means more plugin and kernel homebrew compatibility)
  • Added FAKE INDEX.DAT to TN VSH Menu.
  • Dump whatever FW with psardumper.
  • Copy /F0/vsh/etc/version.txt to /seplugins/version.txt.
  • Enable the option and restart VSH, now your PSP version is faked. -> To downgrade just dump a lower FW. (I do not recommend to downgrade if you have a unhackable motherboard until it is proven to work. Downgrading is most likely useless, and on some models will give you a brick)


Installation Guide

1) Extract6-20-tn-b-hen-total-noob_1293704835.rar.

2)Just copy PSP folder and paste it right into your root of memory stick>>.......

Merge all the folders.

If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

The next step is run your 6.20 TN-B:


Total Noob
other developers
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Dec 29, 2010 QMixer v1.2 - DJs Turntable emulator for PSP

We have new collection of Homebrews applications, this one is special for people who love to DJ, remix and mix. Qmixer developed and designed by Qarl & Soullessand and it comes with almost same features as any regular DJ emulator on other gadgets. You can mix songs, put effects, and play the tracks directly from your PSP. Of course, it will turn your PSP into a simple DJ Deck. So, what are you waiting for.  Mash up your tunes on the QMixer v1.2.

For further details, please read READ ME.txt ( included in the download pack)

 Qmixer v1.2 Main Menu


Installation Guide

1) Extract QMixer v1.2.rar.

2)Just copy PSP folder and paste it right into your root of memory stick>>.......

Merge all the folders.

If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

Screen shot:

The first thing you’ll notice about QMixer is that the control is a bit confusing. You may need some time in order to understand the control. Press [START] button to view the control menu.

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Dec 27, 2010 CWCheat 0.23 [6.20 TN-A HEN version] includes database 23 Nov 2011 Update

Wow,this is exciting..Day by day, homebrew tools are getting more and more available for TN HEN users to download. It seems that the homebrew developers really  look forward to making new compatible tools for 6.20 TN-A HEN. Now, it's Takka's turn. He just released a new CWCheat that is compatible with 6.20 TN-A HEN. This is really good news for PSP Scene.

So, for those who are unfamiliar with this plug-in, CWCheat  is a tool for modifying the play of PSP games, by unlocking various game modes and objects, usually for the purpose of cheating. If you need this plug-in, just download it.

  • PSP Custom Firmware enable.
  • CWCheat 0.23 [6.20 TN-A HEN version]+ database 23 Nov 2011 Update [Download HERE]

Installation guide:

1) Extract CWCheat 0.2.3 6.20 TN-A HEN.rar.

2)Just copy seplugins folders and paste them right into your root of memory stick>>.......

Merge all the folder and replace all files. 

  • If you currently have other plug-ins working on game.txt and game150.txt, just do nothing on game.txt or game150.txt file. Don't replace, don't copy when the PC ask you what to do with this file (game.txt/game150.txt). Leave these files in the destination folder.
  • After the process finished, copy this purple line ' ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat.prx 1 ' to your current game.txt and game150.txt inside seplugins folder.

If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

The next step is enable the plug-in. It should works now.

If you need a guide on how to enable PSP plug-ins, the link below might help you.

  • Guide for 5.03 Gen C, 5.50 Gen D3 and 5.00 m33 [Enable PSP Plug-ins guide ]
  •  For 6.20 TN-A HEN, you can run 6.20 HEN or restart the VSH if your already running 6.20 TN HEN [ see your TN Vsh ]

How to run CWCheat 0.23?

While you're in game, simply press and hold [SELECT] button for more than 3 second.
The CWCheat menu should be able to pop out on your PSP screen. 

 Additional information:
  • In case you want to install a new cheat.db file, just put .db file into MS0:/seplugins/cwcheat
  • or you can paste the new code into existing cheat.db file.
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Dec 26, 2010 Three dimension experience on gaming - PSP3DPlugin (Beta)

Have you ever imagined that you can play a 3D game on a PSP? But that’s true 3D experience is happen to PSP devices. It will not going to be a exact Stereoscopic three dimensional experience but it will still offer you a very similar three dimension experience. Since this is only Beta version, so don't expect too much. This plug-in currently only supports a game and the game is Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.

The plug-in name is called “PSP3Dplugin” and the developer is known as anmabagima. PSP3Dplugin requires the use of a 3D glasses to make the 3D works.

I have already tried it - without 3D glasses - the effect seems work and this whole new experience for me : )


There is some notes from the developer (Google Translate)

Use this plugin version at your own risk. It is currently tested with Ratchet & Clank "Size Matters" only... Be aware that this is provided as is. There no warrenty given.

Some known limitations:

-Currently it slows down the game speed a bit as it is not optimized in any way
-Once activated you could not really switch back to normal mode
-Never activate or deactivate the 3D function while a "firmware" dialog is running (like save game). This may freeze your PSP.

Enjoy with red/cyan glasses
Please keep in mind, most of the games won't work after
you activate this plug-in. Disable this plug-in to set to normal mode.

  • PSP Custom Firmware enable
  • PSP3DPlugin (Beta) [Download HERE]
  • Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
  • 3D glasses to make the effect works

Installation Guide:

1) Extract psp3dplugin.rar.

2)Just copy seplugins folders and paste them right into your root of memory stick>>.......

Merge all the folder and replace all files. 

  • If you currently have other plug-ins working on game.txt, just do nothing on game.txt file. Don't replace, don't copy when the PC ask you what to do with this file (game.txt). Leave this file in the destination folder.
  • After the process finished, copy this purple line ' ms0:/seplugins/psp3d.prx 1 ' to your current game.txt inside seplugins folder.

If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

The next step is activate the plug-ins. It should works now.

If you need a guide on how to enable PSP plug-ins, the link below might help you.

Active the plug-in
  • While in game, press the [NOTE] button to activate the plug-in.


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Dec 25, 2010 6.20 TN-A (HEN) + Prometheus ISO Loader [New Installation Guide]

HoHo^^...I'm finally able to post this guide. So, this guide is intended to help you load ISOs game on your PSP with official firmware 6.20. This guide includes installation of 6.20 TN-A, Prometheus ISO Loader, and Patapon2 [Demo], as well as all HBL exploit, and  information on how to run ISOs game on PSP.

This guide is organized into the following steps:
  1. Official Firmware 6.20 installation guide.
  2. Patapon 2 demo installation guide.
  3. Half Byte Loader + 6.20 TN-A (HEN) + Prometheus ISO Loader (Repack) installation guide.
  4. Guide to run 6.20 TN-A (HEN)
  5. Guide to run ISO with  Prometheus ISO Loader.

 Words of advice:
  • Backup and delete seplugins folder in your MS before you start the installation because some of homebrew plugins cause compatibility problems

So, what do you need to run ISOs game on your PSP with official firmware 6.20?


STEP 1 ( If your PSP currently has the firmware 6.20 operating system, skip this step)

STEP 2 ( If you already have Patapon 2 demo running on your PSP, skip to step 3)

We have four different repack files and each one contains Half Byte Loader + 6.20 TN-A (HEN) + Prometheus ISO Loader . Let's start with PACK 1. Download the PACK 1.

Note* Each repack file give different compatibility. You need to test it one by one.

Repack Files:

Installation Guide: * # is the no. of repack file.

1) Extract PACK #.rar.

2)Just copy these folders and a bin file and paste them right into your root of memory stick>>.......

Merge all the folder and replace all files.

If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

STEP 4 (Guide to run 6.20 TN-A (HEN) )

1. Now, let's run your Patapon 2 Demo.

You, will see this screen. Select 'No' to proceed

Next, choose 'Yes' to continue.

Patapon 2 main menu. Select continue to load wololo savedata.

Load the Game data. *Boot icon may different-depending on 
the PACK that you installed on your MS

 Press [R Trigger] to load HBL Menu

This is HBL Menu. Select Hen to load 6.20 TN-A (HEN). Your PSP screen
will blank for a moment. After the process finish, it automatically loads your PSP XMB.

  1. How do you check if it was successfully installed? You can press [SELECT] button on your XMB.
  2. TN Vsh should be able to load on your PSP screen.
If TN Vsh won't loads, it means that you have failed to install 6.20 TN-A (HEN).

What do you need to do?
  1. Just repeat the step 4 for two or three times.
  2. If it no good news, install the PACK 2. Repeat step 3 and 4.
  3. If you have no luck with PACK 2, just install the others PACK.
  1. You can install the latest 6.20 HEN : 6.20 TN-B [Click HERE]

    Note: Avoid problems during replacing PACK. How?
    1. Delete your current PACK before attempt a new PACK.
    2. You can delete Game data via your PSP XMB >> Game >> Save Data Utility.
    3. Delete Wolo Game data.
    4. You can delete h.bin and hbl folder manually on your MS.

    STEP 5 ( Guide to run ISO with  Prometheus ISO Loader)

    If you have already successfully installed 6.20 TN-A (HEN), now, let's run Prometheus ISO Loader !

    On your XMB >> Game >> Memory Stick >> Prometheus ISO Loader.

    So, this is Prometheus ISO Loader. Execute your ISOs from here.

    That's all. It works for me. I hope, it works for you too..

    Additional information.
    • You can put your ISOs into ISO folder on the root of your MS. If there's no ISO folder, just create one.
    • You have 80% possibility of success. This guide won't work on PSP 4g mobo.
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    Dec 23, 2010 6.20 TN-A (HEN) by Total_Noob finally released!!

    Finally, it's here...It took quite some time but the wait is finally over, 6.20 TN-A (HEN) by Total_Noob has been released and is currently available to download. This version of the loader is marked up as 1st version and supports firmware 6.20 only at the moment, additionally there are a couple of bugs that Total_Noob has not had a chance to fix fully just yet.Anyway, we greatly appreciate your work Total_Noob. Thanks.

    6.20 TN-A features:
    • Run homebrews and plugins only!!!
    • TN VSH Menu support.

    TN VSH Screen Shot


    Installation Guide

    Step 1

    1) Extract TN-A-HEN.rar.

    2)Just copy PSP folder and paste it right into your root of memory stick>>.......

    Merge all the folder and replace all files.

    If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

    The next step is
    1. Run the Patapon 2 demo and enter the HBL Menu...[Guide on how to run Patapon 2 HBL]
    2. Select HEN to load  6.20 TN-A (HEN)
    3. You will able to see XMB. 
    4. To make sure that it installed successfully, you can press [SELECT] button on your XMB.
    5. TN Vsh should be able to load on your PSP screen. 

     Note :
    • Some people may fail to load 6.20 TN-A (HEN). Just keep trying and trying. Somehow, it will load.
    • You might not be able to access PSP settings.

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    Patapon 2 Half Byte Loader - HBL for official firmware ( Up to OFW 6.20 )

    Hello guys, let's see what we have here....Patapon 2 Half Byte Loader for official firmware up to 6.20. So, what exactly does Patapon 2 Half Byte Loader do for your PSP? Okay, guys, let me explain. Assume that you've a psp, Model: 3000/2000 (TA-088v3), with official firmware, of course, you won't be able to run ISO or even Homebrews . This means there is no new version of Custom Firmware currently available for these firmwares except for the firmware 5.03.

    Apparently, some hackers found a way to run homebrews ( Only Homebrew!!!) on a non-custom firmware PSP via game savedata, Patapon 2.That's it.

    If you interested with this loader you can go ahead and install it on your PSP.

    Advice for noobies
    This loader only supports to run Homebrews not ISOs. If you're currently
    using PSP with Custom Firmware 5.03, please stay far far away from upgrading
    to newer firmware.

    • PSP with official firmware ( up to 6.20)
    • Patapon 2 6.20 [Demo + Exploit + HBL] [Download HERE]

    Installation guide:

    Step 1:

    1) Extract Patapon 2 HBL 6.20.rar.

    2)Just copy these three folders and paste them right into your root of memory stick>>.......

    Merge all the folder and replace all files.

    If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

    The next step is run the demo...

    You, will see this screen. Select 'No' to proceed

    Next, choose 'Yes' to continue.

    Patapon 2 main menu. Select continue to load wololo savedata.

    It should works now. Wish you good luck.
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    Dec 22, 2010 Half Byte Loader for firmware 6.35 - Sukkiri exploit

    Ahh. I knew this was going to come up, but it out sooner than I expected. According to HBL website,, there are problems between Half Byte Loader developers. It seems that one of them has released this exploit without discussing it with others.  Rumors said that this release will give bad impression to PSP scene. Indeed, some people find this depressing, but, this released is also really good news for those who are stuck with firmware 6.35. Sukkiri exploit will let you run Homebrew applications on official firmware 6.35. Only homebrew, not ISO.

    I have no chance to test it on 6.35 official firmware yet. You can download this exploit and test it on firmware 6.35. See if the exploit is working on the PSP and please share your results with others!

    Advice for noobies
    If you're currently using PSP with Custom Firmware 5.03, 
    please stay far far away from upgrading to newer firmware.

    • PSP with official firmware ( up to 6.35)
    • Sukkiri HBL 6.35 [Demo + Exploit + HBL] [Download HERE]

    Installation guide:

    Step 1:

    1) Extract Sukkiri HBL 6.35.rar.

    2)Just copy these three folders and paste them right into your root of memory stick>>.......

    Merge all the folder and replace all files. 

    • If you currently have previous HBL that installed on your Memory Stick,  you should remove ALL of your old HBL before you install, shifting them somewhere else on your computer.

    If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

    The next step is run the demo. Select 'continue' -second option. The HBL should loads on PSP. It might take some time to access the HBL menu.

    And wish you good luck ^^...
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    Dec 21, 2010 Control your PSP XMB with Analog Stick - Control Hook plug-in

    Did you notice that you can't use analog stick to navigate XMB menus?

    Hmm...Maybe some of you didn't not realize about that. Indeed, the analog stick is mostly not working while on XMB. But, now we have a way to make it works.

    And, this is it..A plug-in, not so sure whats the name of it but I guess you can call this Control Hook. Very simple tweak and it would be very useful especially if your D-Pad is not working. So, why don't you give it a try?

    Thanks to HacKmaN ; German coder as he made this plug-in.


    Installation Guide

    Step 1

    1) Extract Control Hook.rar.

    2)Just copy seplugins folders and paste them right into your root of memory stick>>.......

    Merge all the folder and replace all files. 

    • If you currently have other plug-ins working on game.txt and vsh.txt, just do nothing on game.txt or vsh.txt file. Don't replace, don't copy when the PC ask you what to do with this file (game.txt/vsh.txt). Leave these files in the destination folder.
    • After the process finished, copy this purple line ' ms0:/seplugins/ctrl_hook.prx 1 ' to your current game.txt and vsh.txt inside seplugins folder.

    If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

    The next step is activate the plug-ins. It should works now.

    If you need a guide on how to enable PSP plug-ins, the link below might help you.


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    New Nintendo 64 emulator release - DaedalusX64 SVN r627 : PSP Emulator

    DaedalusX64 team is always striving to improve the usability of their emulator and often, they release new version of the Nintendo 64 emulator that runs on the PSP in order to improve the functionality. So basically whats am trying to say is they are working so hard to develop their software in the way which will make it the most reliable for future users. So, here it is, Nintendo 64 emulator with new features and fixes.

    Change log
    • Updated and enabled osSpTaskLoad
    • Added a workaround to allow Killer Instinct to work with OSHLE
    • Removed GoldenEye scissor hack, zoom works alot better (make sure to set it to 120%)
    • Simplified osSpDeviceBusy
    • Made debug only an assert that shouldn't be exposed in release r627 
    • Fixed compiling issue

    • PSP Custom Firmware enable ( CFW 4.00 or higher)
    • DaedalusX64 revision 627 ( Download Here)
    • Nintendo 64 rom (.v64, .z64, .rom etc)
    Sample rom: Zelda - Ocarina of Time [Download Here] or Nintendo 64 roms free download (Website Here)

    Installation Guide:

    For further installation guide, please refer to the previous post.

    [Click HERE to see the installation guide]

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    Takka ISO Tool minor update - ISO Tool 1.952 : PSP Homebrew Application

    Not so exiting, but not so bad for minor update. Takka has released an update for ISO Tool that just includes a few fixes on auto_cfw option (refer the change log below) .The update brings the ISO Tool up to version 3.55. For those of you unfamiliar, ISO Tool allows you to patch  Eboot.bin (Binaries required to boot a UMD/ISO) on your PSP ISO then make the ISO compatible with Custom Firmware. Besides that, this application also will help you to ripp your UMD's, convert your ISO to CSO or vice versa and much more.

    Change log: ( Google Translate)
    • [BUG] (auto_cfw) 5.00m33 plug-in system for peagasus.prx auto_cfw fixed 
    • [BUG] CFW adjust various display name 
    • [NEW] startup ms0: / ISO folder, create a changed to 
    • [NEW] Add (script) if the exists / not_exists 
    • [NEW] Add(script) set_plugin
    • [NEW] (script) Log Akira Osamu clarity files [BUG] (auto_cfw) auto_cfw libmp3.prx redo/undo
    • [BUG] (auto_cfw) "ms0: / seplugins/636/libmp3.prx" Fix to prevent copying if there is no flash 
    • [NEW] CFW script changed to provide all switching

    Source: Takka blog


    This application (some functions) maybe can cause PSP 3000 or PSP 2000 
    (TAv088v3 brick,so please use it with cautions.

    Before you attempt to install this tool, if you've previous version of ISO Tool, it's best if 
    you could remove it from your ms.

    Installation Guide

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    Dec 19, 2010 Read Manga/Comics on your PSP with PSPComics ver 1.01 : PSP Homebrew Application

    Uh, hi, guys! I have something to share with you and I think this is a really good stuff. So, here it is, PSPComics ver 1.01. This application lets you read your favorite manga on the go, right on your PSP! PSPComics also includes lots of new features to make reading manga on your PSP as enjoyable as possible. So what are you waiting for? Download PSPComics today.

    For further explanation, please read Read Me.txt in the download folder.

    Change log:
    • [Feature] Archives are now detected when opening by contents instead ofextension. However, menus are still generated by extension
    • [Feature] Shift-JIS support for filenames when the PSP's character set is setto Shift-JIS
    • [Feature] Zoom box colors can now be customized in themes, as well as error text color
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a RAR loading bug
    • [Bugfix] No more weird behavior on resume or when the memory stick is removed, however the program will claim that no memory stick is inserted for a small period of time after the program is resumed
    • [Bugfix] Fixed file handle leak in directory reading
    • And many more minor changes...

    • I placed a folder (a manga) in comics folder. It will help you to figure out where to put your manga.


    Installation Guide

    Step 1

    1) Extract PSPComic 1.01

    2)Just copy PSP folder and paste it right into your root of memory stick>>.......

    Merge all the folders.
     (Put your favorite mangas into 'comics' folder.) 

    If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

    Press [START] button while in reading mode to enter option menu.

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    Dec 18, 2010 VSH and Recovery Menu Flasher ver. 1.3 Now Released: PSP Homebrew Application

    Hey everyone how’s it going? I just found another release of VSH and Recovery Menu Flasher and it now up to version 1.3. This released contains a few of changes and new minor features and you can see the change log below. If you-re new to this tool, VSH and Recovery Menu Flasher will help you to customize the appearance of your VSH or Recovery Menu to a new one and you can change your 'theme' as often as you like. Thanks to Deutschlands 1

    Change log:
    • Ultimate VSH Menu added (thanks to the PSP-God Total_Noob)
    • Version.txt Faker updated to 6.35/6.36
    • New design (thanks to BAM (TZX))
    • Backup feature added

    Never install this installer on PSP 3000 or PSP 2000 (TAv088v3) or else, 
    you will brick your PSP. ( This application has the ability to access flash 0)

    • Maybe you will suffer some glitches while activating Recovery Menu via Ultimate VSH Menu.
    • Use Backup feature to backup your original setting.

    Screen shot

    • PSP Custom Firmware enable (only for 5.50 Gen/5.00 Gen)
    • Recovery and VSH Menu Flasher 1.3 (Download HERE)

    Installation Guide:

    Step 1

    1) Extract 1.3.rar.

    2)Just copy PSP folder and paste it right into your root of memory stick>>.......

    Merge all the folders.

    If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

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    Dec 15, 2010 New release of Torky m33_620 plugin; Now support 5.50 Gen D3 : PSP Plug-in

    Wow, this is so cool!! Torky has released the latest m33_620 plug-in update and it now supports Custom Firmware 5.50 Gen-D3. If your PSP system software version is Custom Firmware 5.50 Gen 3 or 5.00 M33-6, you do not need to perform any Custom Firmware upgrade or patch your ISO. It is because this plug-in will let you run the new 6.xx games on your PSP even if you're using UMD. Torky also tell us that Ghost of Sparta also playable using this released. Besides that, the plug-in provides Go! Cam feature. Thanks Torky for this wonderful work.

    I have tested the plug-in and it works like a charm. Unfortunately, it still won't work on Monster Hunter Portable 3. I hope there is an update soon.

    Change log (Translate)
    • GEN D3 support added
    • 6.3x support for games has been added (with GOW: Ghost of Sparta tested)
    • usbcam.prx and usbmic.prx the ofw 6:30 is supported
    • Editing the version.txt version.txt and set the option is no longer necessary to use
    • Save Game Bug Fixed
    • Firmware version changed (with display of used m33_620 Version)

    • PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 Gen and 5.00 M33
    • m33_620_20101214 plug-in [Download HERE]

    Installation Guide

    Step 1

    1) Extract m33_620_20101214.rar.

    2)Just copy kd620 and seplugins folders and paste them right into your root of memory stick>>.......

    Merge all the folder and replace all files. 

    • If you currently have other plug-ins working on game.txt and vsh.txt, just do nothing on game.txt or vsh.txt file. Don't replace, don't copy when the PC ask you what to do with this file (game.txt/vsh.txt). Leave these files in the destination folder.
    • After the process finished, copy these purple lines ' ms0:/seplugins/m33_620 1 ' and ' ms0:/seplugins/m33_620_user 1 ' to your current game.txt and vsh.txt inside seplugins folder.

    If you need further explanation on plug-in installation or application installation, please refer the links below.

    The next step is activate the plug-ins. It should works now.

    If you need a guide on how to enable PSP plug-ins, the link below might help you.


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