Jan 18, 2010 ChickHEN R2 installing Guide

Chickhen is a loader (a basic applications to allow other applications to function in a system) that enable PSP to install Homebrew application, such as Custom Firmware (Gen and MHU), and other plug-in into your PSP system (OFW).

Currently, Chickhen r2 only work on Official Firmware 5:03 and can be installed on the PSP 1000, 2000 and 3000.



    Step 1.

    Update your PSP with official firmware 5.03 (Guide Here)

    Step 2.

    2.1) ChicHEN R2 zip file.

    2.2) Unzip ChickHENR2. Open the file.

    2.3)  Copy  h files into root of memory stick. After that, for PSP 1000 users, follow steps B while PSP SLIM users (2000/3000) follow step C.

    Copy file (.bin) into root of PSP Memory Stick.

    PSP 1000

    -Open ‘PHAT’ folder.

    -Copy eggsploit.
      Then, paste ‘eggsploit’ into the PICTURE folder in your PSP memory stick.

    PSP SLIM (2000/3000) 

    -Open ‘SLIM’ folder.

    -Copy ChickHEN folder

    Paste ChickHEN folder into PICTURE folder in your PSP memory stick.

    * Overview of the sample ChickHEN folder in memory stick.

    Step 3
    1. On your PSP XMB, go to Settings> System Settings and off UMD auto start, off USB Auto Connect, off UMD Cache (PSP 2000/3000) and change Character Set to the U.S. (437).
    2. Next, go to Settings> Theme Settings> Theme, change your PSP theme to Classic.
    3. Restart PSP (off and on)

    x) On your PSP XMB, go to Photo> Memory Stick (p / s: wait untill icon option appear on the right-bottom of your PSP screen) and press X to open the folder ChickHEN.

    y) If you are successful, your PSP will display a picture which seems blurish and PSP will restart automatically. (Automatically reboot). You can make sure that installation is success by checking your System Information. On the XMB> Settings> System Settings> System Information> System Software: 5:03 ChickHEN R2. If you failed, your PSP will hang and it will automatically off after a few seconds.

    z). If you failed, repeat step x to z.

    For additional tips, see the guide provided (Guide Here)

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