For PSP users who are used 5.00m33-6 Custom Firmware and below and want to pandorize PSP battery, Hackittool application is the best choice. For your information, HackitTool have various functions that can be used for hacking purposes such as Pandora, Backup, Themes and others. However, because most of these functions can modify the file in PSP firmware, then the application is classified as the sensitive PSP application. In other words, if you have done any mistake, it can cause problems to your PSP. However, for the users who want pandorize PSP battery, Pandorize features can not give you any problems. :)
- PSP 1000 and 2000 (only the TA-088V1 only) with 5.00m33-6 Custom Firmware and below.
- Hackit Tools v2.5 (Download here)
Step 1.
- PSPHackit Toolv2.5 zip file.
- PSPHackitToolv2.5 zip file extracted.
- Content inside PSPHackit Toolsv2.5 folder. Open PSP folder.
5. Copy PSPHackitTool folder and paste it into the memory stick (ms0)>> PSP>> GAME >>...
If you need guideliness to paste the folder, you can refer step 2 in installing guide that provided (Installing guide).
After you complete Step 1, thus we will be running this application on step 2.
Step 2.
1. In the PSP XMB, go to Game> Memory Stick>> PSPhackitTool and enter to run the application. After that, you will shown with the language selection menu. Select English.
2. After selecting the language, you will display the main menu of the application. Select Pandora.
3. Submenu for Pandora will appear as figure 3. Select 'Make Pandora baterry'.
4.Select 'Yes' to pandorize PSP battery.
To determine Pandora battery:
- Switch off your PSP.
- Unplug the battery and plug it back.
- After you install the battery, you'll find 2 possibilities:
- You succeeded if your PSP power indicator automatically flashing
- You failed if your PSP has no any responce.
- PSP battery does not support Pandora.
- You do not meet the necessary requirements.
Additional tutorial.
How to change the battery to pandora battery to normal.
- Unplug the battery from PSP.
- Switch on PSP using Ac Adapter.
- Then, plug in your Pandora battery into your PSP.
- Run Hackittools as shown in step 2.
- In the application main menu, select Pandora>> 'Make Normal Battery' and select 'Yes'.
- After that, test whether the battery is functioning as normal or not.
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