Apr 7, 2010 Guide on how to use Emergency Installer on 5.03 Gen-C/CFWEnabler: PSP Tips

Fixmypsp meet you again with the latest tutorial on the world of Playstation Portable homebrew and this time Fixmyproblems will show you on how to use the 'Emergency Installer' in 5:03 Gen-C Installer and 5.03 CFWEnabler, especially for PSP 3000 and 2000 (TA-088V3) users. I believe most of you are still not aware of this function on your CFW Installer.Why the function is really important? How this function can help you?

Emergency Installer


  • Uninstall 5.03 CFW that running on your PSP.
  • Reinstall/Recover your 5.03 CFW.
  • Ability to reinstall your original 5.03 firmware with version txt.

The importance of the functions of CFW Emergency Installer are, its will helps you when you have any problems when overwriting, install or uninstall your 5.03 CFW. The example of the problem is: your PSP screen turn to blank screen after you load / install CFW .For users who frequently change whether the PSP CFW-C Gen 5:03>> CFW Enabler (MHU), CFW Enabler (MHU)>> 5:03 Gen 5:03 Gen-C-C>> Gen 5:03-B , this function could help the overwriting process run more smoothly .


Step required to activate the Emergency function Installer is simple enough.


  • All PSP model except Go.
  • PSP running 5:03 firmware.
  • PSP in the ChickHEN R2/MHUSpeedv3 mode

Step 1.

After you successfully put your PSP in ChickHEN r2/MHUSpeed V3 mode, what you need to do are:

  • If you use 5.03 Gen C, you must hold the left button and then press enter (still holding L trigger) on 5:03 Gen C Installer.
  • If you are using CFW Enabler you should hold the right button and then press enter (still holding R trigger) on CFW Enabler Installer

The diagram below is the result after you apply 2 techniques shown above.

In the diagram above, you'll notice that there uninstaller menu on both the CFW Installer.

If you select 'uninstall', as shown in the diagram above, your PSP system will be automatically return to the original firmware which is 5.03.

Additional Information.

For users who frequently change the CFW of PSP whether Gen-C 5:03>> CFW Enabler (MHU), CFW Enabler (MHU)>> 5:03 Gen-C and 5:03 Gen-C>> 5:03 Gen-B, you probably will have a problem in the overwriting process.

Based on my experience, I was able to identify some of bugs in the overwriting process:

  • If you're in 5:03 Gen-C mode, you can install CFW Enabler (MHU) directly without any problems.
  • If you're in the mode MHU 5:03, you will have problems to install 5:03 Gen-C. When you try to install 5.03 Gen-C directly, your screen will show you"Now Reboot your PSP in CFW 5:03 Gen-C". But, when you check the PSP system information, the system still remains on MHU CFW. In other words, you fail to install 5:03 Gen-C.

However, this problem can be overcome by using the Emergency Installer. Remember, you can use both the installer even if your PSP in 5:03 Gen-C or MHU 5.03.

That all from me. Thank you.
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