For those who are using PSP that running Custom Firmware, I sure you have hard time in order to make this game running on your PSP. So, I have provided a simple tutorial/guide regarding the problem. I hope this guide will help you to enjoy the game.
- PSP Custom Firmware enable:
- CFW 5.00 m33-6 or 5.00 Prometheus 2 [Click Here to install 5.00 Prometheus 2]
- CFW 5.50 Gen D3 or 5.50 Prometheus 2 [Click here to install 5.50 Prometheus 2]
- CFW 5.03 Gen C
- Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team USA [Fixed version]
If you already have the requirement above:
1) Please change your UMD ISO MODE into Sony NP9660. You done this by enter your VSH Menu. To enter VSH Menu, press [SELECT] button while on your XMB. Then you will see the menu below.
2) After you changed the UMD ISO MODE to Sony NP 9660, exit the menu and you can test or play your game right way.
3)It is good if can run the game smoothly. But what happen if you face any problems while playing the game? The game maybe could close automatically or the screen turn to blank or while running on your PSP. If these problems occur, my suggestion is:
If the all the method above still not helping you, you can try additional methods.
Apply the settings below:
Step 1
- UMD Mod (currently : Sony NP9660 -NO UMD-)
- Use VSH Menu (currently) : Enabled or VSH Menu
You will these settings on your PSP Recovery Menu >> Configuration >> .....
Step 2
- CPU Clock XMB : 222/111
- CPU Clock GAME : 222/111
You can apply these settings on your PSP Vsh Menu
Press [SELECT] button to activate VSH Menu
Step 3 [ This setting currently only on 5.00 m33-6] Skip it if you are not 5.00 m33-6 user.
- Speed up MS access (Currently : NEVER)
Step 4
- Plain modules in UMD/ISO Disabled
- Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO Disabled
You can apply these settings on your PSP Recovery Menu >> Advanced >> Advanced Configuration
[You also can refer the guide provided to configure settings in step 4]
Now, you can test your game whether it works or not.
What?? They game still won't running on your PSP?
Hurm..We still have a final card. Try apply this method if all the method above still can not make the game running on your PSP.
- Backup your saves data, pictures, musics or any important files in your PSP Memory Stick.
- Format your PSP Memory Stick directly from your PSP XMB by selecting "System Settings" >> Format Memory Stick.
- After successfully format your memory stick, you need to restore your PSP into Factory setting. To done this, go to "System Settings" >> "Restore Default Settings" >>....
- Then, configure your PSP settings by repeating from the first step that shown in this post.
I wish good luck and thank you.